OmniVenturesafricas’ Goal

Home » OmniVenturesafricas’ Goal

Where are we?

OmniVenturesAfrica operates in Nigeria, Cameroon, Rwanda and Ghana. 


The continent of Africa needs 4 things:
1. Medical
2. Training/Job
3. Food
4. Housing


OmniVentires Africa intends to address all 4 of these needs. As the continent grows the demand for these 4 will increase exponentially.



OmniVenturesAfrica intends to address all Four with a plan that will create awareness of the key problems through Media, Training with Jobs in Technology using the computer, empowering women, youths, and villagers in rural areas to start businesses in Medical, Training, Food, and Housing.


The first three will enable the last…The need for housing. This can be addressed as the population now have more money to afford better housing and new entrepreneurs are trained and shown how to create New Homes using Prefab, Containerized, and Modular Construction Techniques.




Digital Training Technology/Jobs

Nigeria has the  highest GDP in Africa and is the film capitol of Africa.

OmniVenturesAfrica’s Digital Television/Animation Media Training will ehance this already thriving market by adding multiple streaming media  programming with quality  Television and Animation productions into the United States and Europe.

Jobs will be created for this venture from the OmniVenturesAfrica Training.

Other training centers will be added in Ghana, Cameroon and, The DRC later.  



Training courses include Computer programming using Python, Digital Marketing, Digital Television Production, Animation/Graphics using Blender Animation, Scriptwriting using Final Draft, Solar Installation & Maintenance, Vertical Farming, Poultry Farming, and Containerized Homes and buildings.

All of these courses have jobs associated with them after training.

Students can start their own business or do work from home as they learn from home & work for OmmniVenturesAfrica.

Here is your opportunity to donate to this Television/Animation, Computer Programming & Digital Marketing Training Venture and help build the New Digital Technology Training Center in Lagos, Nigeria.

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